Friday, May 1, 2020

Week 16: Anything you want!

What quarantine has taught me about, is media. I recently acquired a gig where I am producing a podcast. This podcast is hosted by a guy with an Instagram account of around 40 thousand people. It will be about the Baltimore Ravens. I am excited for classes to end so that I will be able to get to work on this. This gig is something I would love to spend my time doing. I have already taught myself far more skills that I believe will help me in my career in the last week than I did in the entire time that school transitioned to online. The podcast requires me to learn a lot about media production. I needed to understand the best way to record the podcast. I created a script for an opening and closing of the podcast I needed to motivate the hosts to record audio that sounded good. The first couple of times they recorded, they were a bit bland, but I was able to rework the script so the host sounded more comfortable reading it. I also had to direct the hosts to help them stay on track and create an engaging podcast. I am not learning entirely new software, Adobe Audition, in order to edit the podcast together and make everything sound amazing. I am really looking forward to continuing this journey, and learning more about creating engaging and exciting media! I look forward to using this summer to learn new skills that will help me in my career.

I want to take this time to plan out what I will be doing once coronavirus is over, and quarantine has been lifted. I pray that we at least get to go back to school in the fall. I really am not a fan of online classes, and I do not learn well in this format. I am very scatterbrained, easily distracted, and a procrastinator. I work a lot better in a structured classroom environment where my brain knows it is time to learn. When I am home, I have a hard time getting myself to sit down and actually do my homework when I need to. I also think that, while it was a difficult situation to be thrown into, my professors assigned a lot of work that I felt qualifies as "busy work". Work that was previously not going to be assigned, but had to be changed because of the new format. I am not blaming my professors, they made the most out of a very hard situation, but I do not think this form of learning is for me. I need to feel like what I am doing serves a purpose, and understand specifically what I am learning for an assignment.
Baltimore Ravens Podcast Network | Listen via Stitcher for Podcasts

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