Monday, May 4, 2020


The 20th century has seen the rise of the next great achievement in human history, up
there with the discovery of fire, the creation of surpluses through agriculture, and our
journey to the moon. That achievement is the rise of the internet age. Our society is
more connected to one another than ever before. We now have access to millions
of web pages and libraries of knowledge with the touch of a few buttons from the
computer we all have in our pockets. But as I watched this video:

I began to get sad about how optimistic we were in the past, and how grim things
look right now. In the early ’60s, General Motors released a ride about what living in
the future would be like. The ride portrayed a utopia of human achievement, technology,
and luxury. There were bases on the moon, hotels at the bottom of the ocean, and continental
highways connecting the world in a never before seen fashion. After watching the video,
and realizing that it was made sixty years ago, I realize that the future is now, and it does
not look anything like that video. We do not have bases on Antarctica, instead, the
continent is shrinking due to Global Warming. Space exploration has seemingly been
put on hold, so we can spend ridiculous amounts of money on a massive and
destructive military. In the age of connectivity, it seems that people feel more lonely
and afraid as ever. Self-isolation, social distancing, and quarantine keep us apart and
alone. But this is not just a COVID-19 issue. Studies done before the outbreak show
that people are feeling more lonely than ever because of technology. It even seems
that the more you use technology, the more lonely you feel. Those who are the most
isolated are those who are under the age of 35, which is where the majority of social
network users lie. A study done this year showed that most respondents to a survey
said they only had one person they felt they could confide in, as opposed to a similar
survey done 25 years ago, where the majority said they had three.

I think that my studies in this course, and the recent events unfolding in the world, are
making me wonder about the systems we have in place. They may have worked and
been sufficient for a time, but they are not the answer to creating a future that will be
exciting to live in, like the one shown on the GM ride. But it is my hope that we are at a
turning point in human history. When we were fighting for survival in the plains of Africa,
the reason we were able to grow and become the dominant force on Earth that we are
now is that we were able to communicate with each other, work together and adapt to any
condition. We worked in packs to hunt down food. We created tools like spears and used
fire to cook better meat. We adjusted to conditions, like Ice Ages, and improved our living
conditions. Time and time again, humans have been tested, and each time we have
overcome the test and became stronger because of it. Quarantine and loneliness are just
the next tests that everyday human has now been forced to face. If we are to get out of this,
we need to get back to doing what we do best as humans, which is communicating and working
together. We should not suck our lives into applications on our phone that provide us with no
benefit, we need to use this unique opportunity to better ourselves. Instead use your phone to
learn new skills on applications like Masterclass or Skillshare, where our world’s best teachers
have come together to help us grow. Facetime your friends and catch up with them to see
how they’re doing, and get your dose of socializing we need. Use social media
apps to grow your business or connect with new people, instead of spending
endless hours scrolling. I have talked about this previously, but I predict that those
people who use technology to enhance their lives instead of trapping themselves in a cycle
of loneliness and depression, will be the ones who change the world. I wish more people
would delete pointless apps on their phones, spend less time wasting hours, and more
time in the present, focusing on what they can do to help us grow and progress.

Right now, that means staying inside. I am saddened that our government puts our
economy first over people's lives. What benefit does a booming economy provide if
everyone is dead? While it is terrible that small businesses are closing, and people’s
livelihoods are changing, these things can be rebuilt. What we can’t get back are the
deceased, friends, family, and loved ones. It is my opinion that we should put lives first, and
figure out the economic side of things as we go. We are in a pandemic, and taxes,
mortgages, and other forms of loss should be halted to help people in need. But please,
stay inside. If not for yourself, do it for the old couple who lives next door, terrified that they
may be next. Or for the nurse who has spent days working with sick patients, face bruised
from wearing a mask for hours on end. Stay inside not just until the curve has been flattened,
but the disease is eradicated. I know we can do it. What it's like in Italy: Nurses share selfies of bruised faces ...

Instead of complaining about what we don’t have, and what we are losing, look at
what we do have in quarantine. Hopefully, to whoever is reading this, you and your
family are safe and healthy. You have gone through a lot, and you are doing your best.
These are difficult times, and I am proud of you for getting through it. But it is not over yet,
there is still more work to do. Things have been hard, and they might get a little harder. But
we have made it this far, let's keep pushing forward. I personally, would rather get through
one long period of self-isolation, rather than ending quarantine too early and having to go
back inside for longer when we realize the disease hasn’t stopped, and more lives are lost.
If there is anything that can help you get through this, think about self-growth. Imagine the
person you would like to be, and figure out what steps you can take to get there. If there is
one positive about all this, we all have an unprecedented amount of free time. We may
never have this much free time ever again in our lives. Take advantage of it. Write that book
that you have been putting off. Start the business that you never thought was possible. Learn
a skill. Read a book. Exercise. Focus on bettering your physical and mental health. Whatever
it is you have been meaning to do, but never had the time for it, DO IT NOW. Those who take
advantage of this time will be the ones who are thriving when this is all over. I urge everyone
to take action. You will be thankful later. In the meantime, stay positive, work hard, and STAY

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